Delhi Public School Panipat City
Service Before Self
Without supporting the acquisition of knowledge for its own sake, our options become dangerously limited. We live in an age of continued darkness unable to distinguish the shadow of the uncertain, from the veil of the unknown. And, it is from this, that we can access the true power of good education. If nothing else, it enables us to pull aside the veil, to cast a light upon the morass of ignorance. It will be an ongoing endeavor that DPS Panipat City is able to give its students, an opportunity to shine, and to cast that shining light to a great distance
Here, we attempt to create an environment which is conducive for learning so that all children feel able and encouraged to become successful learners. Life is now a cut throat competition and change is inevitable, understanding this, the school is conscious that mere intellectual growth is not enough to excel in life, thus, the overall school program aims to give the students, maximum exposure and inculcates in them the skills and values that will help them to face challenges in future
Pro-Vice Chairman